Creepy picture eh? I sure hope the teeth don't look like that - all knarled and what not.
But mostly, YAY!
But mostly, YAY!
So here's how it went down:
For about a two weeks I'd been getting cramps but no period. I thought I was getting my period and it was late. No one ever told me that your uterus hurts and that the first signs of pregnancy are pretty much the same as the ones that you get just before your period i.e. - sore boobs, hungry, cramps, sleepy.
My Gramma Viv gave me a dollar store pregnancy test that her girlfriends bought her as a gag for her 75th birthday. On Thursday, October 14 in the a.m. before I left for my school visits Alex and I pulled out that test and followed the directions. It was supposed to take 1-3 minutes for the second line to show up on the test if it was "positive". After about 5 minutes it showed up, so Alex and I took it as a maybe and decided to try again on Monday, October 18 before work.
Alex was convinced I was pregnant but I just thought I'd know and that I'd be able to feel it somehow because I'd heard that people who are in tune with their bodies "just know" when they are and I thought I'd be one of those people.
Anywho, on Saturday we had an engagement party for Scotty and Jenna in London, ON and while the boys were in picking up beer Jolene and I decided that when we went into Loblaws to get their congratulations on your engagement cards, that we should also pick up an official test so that if it was negative I could still participate in the party and if it was positive I wouldn't be torn on how to behave that night.
So long storey short after a quick pee in the London Loblaws washroom it was official! When Jo and I got back into the car I pulled the test out and passed it to Alex in the back of the car acting like it was the card for him to sign - he got a huge grin on his face and was super excited and so was I.
Note: In the future I will not be peeing on sticks in Loblaws...I will do it at home with Alex because it wasn't very nice that he found out after Jo.
So now it's Monday, October 18 and I've called and made an appointment to have the first blood work done and then I guess I'll find out what happens next. I think the first day of my last period was September 9 so that would mean I'll be due at the end of June 2011. Anything born before June 19 is a Gemini and anything after a Cancer. So that means I'm about 5 weeks pregnant (or in my 6th week)!
I've also been hunting on the internet and know the following about the baby:
- It is the size of an orange seed and mostly resembles a tad pole (including a tail)
- There are "buds" where the arms and legs will be;
- The major organs are being developed;
- Facial features could already be forming;
- The heart will start to beat this week but won't be detectable for another 2 or so;
- It is 75% likely the baby will have green eyes and 25% likely it'll have blue ones;
- The next 5 weeks are the most critical in the babies development; and
- I can't do too many of my Pilates moves and I'm going to have to start cueing and walking around rather than demonstrating.
Lastly, Alex and I talked about it and we're not finding out what we're having until he or she pops out it's way more fun to have a surprise!!
Don't worry - I won't be having a shower until after the baby is born so everything won't be yellow and green. :-)
xo Jenn
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