Friday, July 30, 2010

alone on the range...

My husband has been away since Saturday and I won't be home until this coming Wednesday (in total 11 days). This is the LONGEST I've ever been on my own in my life.

About a year ago I would've been terrified to spend this much time on my own.

This isn't because I didn't like spending time by myself here and there (i.e. - one day to read, relax, clean, catch-up on sleep etc.) but because for one, I love talking and for two, I honestly didn't think I could occupy myself for a long period of time. My husband always made fun of me when I had a "me" day and asked "how many people did you talk to today?" because he knew I'd get bored and call my Mom, Dad, friends or anyone else I could think of to keep me busy. The worst part is that it was true! By noon I'd be getting antsy and needed someone to talk to. I guess that means I wasn't so comfortable in my own skin.

Over the past year or so since I've been working locally and coming home for lunch then spending a couple of hours on my own before my hubby gets home from his commute, I've come to love my personal time. I read, I take the dog for a walk, I clean up the house a bit and then I start dinner. It's a beautiful thing! Nice and relaxing and the perfect way to wind down from a busy day at work.

So, I'm 6 days in and doing great! Last night was a bit of a gongshow - I went to volleyball until about 8:30 p.m. and didn't eat dinner and was so hungry when I got home that I ate an ENTIRE Little Ceasar's hot'n'ready pizza to myself and I have wicked gas today to prove it (too much information?). What was I thinking?

I've taken Winston (our 9 month old boxer pup) for a walk most nights, done Pilates a few times, ironed umm...11 elephant shirts (my husbands massive work shirts), watched a couple of movies and kept the house nice and tidy. The laundry is done, the floors are clean, the beds are made, the dishes are done....oh, so nice.

The things I don't like: 1) cooking for one, 2) having the dog by myself...I feel a little chained to the house since it's so warm and I can't leave him in the car when I want to do a few little errands, 3) bedtime - it's freaky going to bed alone in a big house...I check and double check the locks and 4) when my cellphone dies due to lack of charging (my own fault) and I have no method of communication if a burglarer tries to steal me.

Although I am liking my time to myself I can't wait for my lovebug to come home.

xo Jenn

Friday, July 23, 2010

oh my aching head...

I've had a headache for 6 days straight, I've been taking 2 extra strength Tylonel's twice a day and all they did was make it manageable to go to work and function. I finally went to the doctor today and she said Advil liquid gels are where it's at along with getting an eye exam, rest and plenty of water.

An eye exam you say? No thanks. I've already spent my early years resembling a pirate and I have no intention of wearing glasses that make me look like I have one googly eye.

To give you background, I had a lazy eye that was operated on at a very young age (maybe 1 and a 1/2 or so) and I wore a skin coloured eye patch until grade 1 along with glasses. Can you even imagine how cool I was? The one eyed child.

My Mom was also famous for the buy one, get one deals so I had two lovely pairs of glasses that not only magnified my eyes but also my cheeks. I think her philosphy was the bigger the better. I'm also fairly certain she thought the more colourful the better. I can remember denim, pink and purple glasses.

Then in about grade 7 I noticed that I could see the same with or without glasses so I decided to stop wearing them at school. Well, Mom found out (thanks to my lovely brother) and then started policing me and doing "pop-in's" to make sure I was wearing them. That wasn't embarassing at all. I spent the next two years fighting my Mom tooth and nail to not wear them and eventually she agreed to take me to a different optometrist who agreed with me and told my Mom I didn't need them anymore and that my eyes had corrected themselves. HA!

So, do I want to get an eye exam and hear I need to wear glasses all the time again? No, not so much. Mind you, the 6 day headache is making me think twice about choosing vanity over some not so pretty glasses and they do have some pretty cool ones now....

Friday, July 16, 2010


Soooo.....I'm not quite sure where this blog will be about.

At this point, I feel it will likely include a lot of me rambling on about where life is taking me and the process of getting where I'm going.

To start, I'm going to explain me and my quirkiness and hope that helps me to iron out what I'm going to write about.

I run physically and I run mentally.

I'm sure running physically makes sense to most (putting one foot in front of the other quickly while bending your knees and swinging your arms). However, you might think when I say I "run" that I run marathons and I don't. Sometimes jog but more often then not I run to the car, to the grocery store from the car, run-walk the dog, from my office to the car, to the washroom...I just plain old run, wherever I can and whenever I can. I don't THINK I run to the point of looking like a crazy person but I don't much see the point in walking, especially if I have somewhere to be and let's face it - running burns more calories then walking does!

What I mean by running mentally is that I do everything at warp speed. Basically this means I run through life; I generally bite off more than I can chew. Some regular examples of my daily life: I double book myself, I do a million things over my one hour lunch, for example: I drive home, let the dog out, make the bed, make and eat lunch, tidy-up the house, put on a load of laundry, take something out for dinner, water the plants and play with the dog - then drive back to work. PHEW!

It doesn't bother me that I tend to run to most places but more and more often it's bothering me that I run through life. I truly do try to make a conscience effort to slow down and take things slowly (especially with my husbands help who is much more balanced then I) but inevitably I pick-up speed and before I know it I'm back running through life again. For example, in the past two weeks I have:

1. Started a new job;
2. Finished a Pilates certification and started teaching out of my house;
3. Applied at three places to teach Pilates part-time in the evenings; and
4. Begun researching the best way for me to go back to school (while in a new job) to obtain a bachelor in something....(business, communications, marketing - something along those lines).

....and that's just the NEW stuff.

I also have a husband who commutes to work 3 hours a day, a 100 year old house that needs loads of attention, 3 gardens, a dog, a kitchen, front yard and backyard under renovations, 80% of our family within a 5 minute drive, a bunch of new nieces and nephews, friends in Toronto, Bowmanville, Oshawa, Cambridge and Bobcaygeon, a million people getting married and well....I could go on and on - but I won't.

So, now that you know about me you'll see that this blog will be varied.....whatever floats my boat (or sinks my boat for that matter) will be the topic of the day.

I'm looking forward to a place to share, muse, discuss and of course, talk outloud without actually doing so.

xo Jenn