Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Oh how I love my family!

Elbeanio, Lillymanilly and Balboski-pie. Jungle Cat World - June 4, 2012.

Meaghan and Emma came to visit and we had such a fabulous time! It was Emma's birthday so we had a mini birthday party on Sunday evening with all the local family members. Great dinner conversation as usual (which means it was all inappropriate!).

Lilly came to our house for the day instead of going to daycare on Monday so she, Emma and Meaghan could get to know each other better since they don't get to see each other often living a few hours away. We had sucha fabulous day! We went to Jungle Cat World and were about 4 feet away from so many crazy animals - lions, jaguars, tigers, hyenas, lynx and more. So amazing. The wee ones all got to feed a donkey and we had a peacock jump up on our picnic table trying to get at our lunch. Lilly and Emma had a fabulous time and Noah was so excited he wanted to walk everywhere. After 2 hours they were all smiles and we got this shot of them on the lion.

Such great memories.