2011 has been a freaking amazing year!
A new baby, a new house and well one sad thing - a loss of a very special furry friend - SWSP.
As the year draws to a close I just want to say how thankful I am for my family, friends, co-workers (even though I'm on maternity leave) and well, everything and everyone!
I believe that always feeling grateful and never taking what we have in life for granted will hopefully continue a lucky streak.
Cheers to life people.....cheers to life.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
oh shit.
not that im not proud of being a mom and my babe, but i never thought id become one of those moms who dont talk about anything other than their kids. shit.
it is so crazy how they just take over your life!
i need a hobby - something for me to do - for me - during naps. write? sew? refinish furniture? i refuse to scrapbook and i suck at knitting.
suggestions please!!!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
HFMLHCSM - Holy F$%* My Life Has Changed So Much
So my Grandpa's wife sent me a text a few weeks ago that was something like this: ROTFLMFAO and I was completely stumped as to what it meant. She's about 60 years old - why does she know this slang and I don't? So I created my own. Betcha no one could guess that one!
I've been a little caught up in life for the past 6 months or so with VERY good reason. We had a baby, moved and well; I'd say that's enough to keep a girl occupied.
Having a baby to say the least is challenging. You're tired, in love, frustrated, exhilerated and everything else you can think of at one time. The brain is working on overdrive trying to take care of yourself, your babe, your family on top of everything else that needs to be done. This could be why I had a hard time making a Lipton Sidekick a few weeks ago or why I left a candle burning in the bathroom or why I left the lights on the back deck on even after Alex specifically said to me "When you come in from the hot tub make sure you turn off the back deck lights". You're just not all there.
The new house is amazing - it's a handful at the moment but it is so worth it! The only thing I think I would change is the fact that you can hear every creak in the house from every room. It makes it super difficult to do anything quietly. However, that's an old house. I can't wait for the summer to enjoy our amazing backyard with family and friends! We have an above ground pool and a hot tub as well as an amazing back deck. I'm hoping we can have our 30th birthday party back there - 30! Holy shit.
Noah is a freaking darling! I love that little runt like I've never loved anything or anyone else before. He is funny - oh so funny. He loves to dive bomb my face and try to eat it (I like to think it's because he loves me so much). He also loves to whine with a noise the sounds like "guuhhhhhhhh" and if you do it back to him in his ear he starts laughing like a madman because he knows you're making fun of him. He loves to be in your arms over your head or moved from side to side and giggles like a little schoolgirl if you bounce him around in either of those positions. He's not even 6 months yet! He's sitting up 90% on his own with a few face plants here and there, his naps are FINALLY taking some shape and we get about an hour and a half around 9 and another hour and a half around 1 - he's not feeling well at the moment and we've added another 30 minute nap around 4 to get him through until 7 p.m. which is bedtime. Lately, TTGL (thank the good lord - another good one) he's only been getting up at 3 a.m. for a feed. This makes me a little more alive during the day. He's had 2 colds and 2 eye infections which is really bugging me, poor guy! I don't think he got rid of the first cold fully and it came back a few days ago. It's not as bad this time round but it still sucks.
Alex is I think finally getting used to me being on maternity leave and ok with leaving in the morning without being too jealous of my days with Noah. Everytime he walks in the door 2 ear to ear grins are waiting for him because we're both so happy to see Da-da (something I'm working on Noah saying with no luck so far).
All in all the last 5 months have been insane but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
Life is absolutely amazing.
So my Grandpa's wife sent me a text a few weeks ago that was something like this: ROTFLMFAO and I was completely stumped as to what it meant. She's about 60 years old - why does she know this slang and I don't? So I created my own. Betcha no one could guess that one!
I've been a little caught up in life for the past 6 months or so with VERY good reason. We had a baby, moved and well; I'd say that's enough to keep a girl occupied.
Having a baby to say the least is challenging. You're tired, in love, frustrated, exhilerated and everything else you can think of at one time. The brain is working on overdrive trying to take care of yourself, your babe, your family on top of everything else that needs to be done. This could be why I had a hard time making a Lipton Sidekick a few weeks ago or why I left a candle burning in the bathroom or why I left the lights on the back deck on even after Alex specifically said to me "When you come in from the hot tub make sure you turn off the back deck lights". You're just not all there.
The new house is amazing - it's a handful at the moment but it is so worth it! The only thing I think I would change is the fact that you can hear every creak in the house from every room. It makes it super difficult to do anything quietly. However, that's an old house. I can't wait for the summer to enjoy our amazing backyard with family and friends! We have an above ground pool and a hot tub as well as an amazing back deck. I'm hoping we can have our 30th birthday party back there - 30! Holy shit.
Noah is a freaking darling! I love that little runt like I've never loved anything or anyone else before. He is funny - oh so funny. He loves to dive bomb my face and try to eat it (I like to think it's because he loves me so much). He also loves to whine with a noise the sounds like "guuhhhhhhhh" and if you do it back to him in his ear he starts laughing like a madman because he knows you're making fun of him. He loves to be in your arms over your head or moved from side to side and giggles like a little schoolgirl if you bounce him around in either of those positions. He's not even 6 months yet! He's sitting up 90% on his own with a few face plants here and there, his naps are FINALLY taking some shape and we get about an hour and a half around 9 and another hour and a half around 1 - he's not feeling well at the moment and we've added another 30 minute nap around 4 to get him through until 7 p.m. which is bedtime. Lately, TTGL (thank the good lord - another good one) he's only been getting up at 3 a.m. for a feed. This makes me a little more alive during the day. He's had 2 colds and 2 eye infections which is really bugging me, poor guy! I don't think he got rid of the first cold fully and it came back a few days ago. It's not as bad this time round but it still sucks.
Alex is I think finally getting used to me being on maternity leave and ok with leaving in the morning without being too jealous of my days with Noah. Everytime he walks in the door 2 ear to ear grins are waiting for him because we're both so happy to see Da-da (something I'm working on Noah saying with no luck so far).
All in all the last 5 months have been insane but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
Life is absolutely amazing.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Could this be it?
I'm sitting at work with 19 minutes to go (until 4:30 p.m.) and am wondering to myself...is this early labour?
Yesterday I started getting pain in my pubic bone area when I was walking down stairs which I thought was maybe my pelvis starting to seperate so the babe could move down.
Lastnight, every time I rolled over in bed and had to lift one leg higher than the other I got a shot of a pain in my crotch. It kinda feels like what you'd image if you had Barbie's legs (one in each hand) and you pulled them apart the way they're not supposed to go. Good times!
I've also had mild cramping in my lower belly this afternoon and my back hurts a little which it tends to do at this time of day regardless.
Is it - who knows? I want this little man to hold on until June 21 so he's a Cancer...!
I have my midwife appointment tonight so I'll hopefully have a better idea then. YIKES!
Yesterday I started getting pain in my pubic bone area when I was walking down stairs which I thought was maybe my pelvis starting to seperate so the babe could move down.
Lastnight, every time I rolled over in bed and had to lift one leg higher than the other I got a shot of a pain in my crotch. It kinda feels like what you'd image if you had Barbie's legs (one in each hand) and you pulled them apart the way they're not supposed to go. Good times!
I've also had mild cramping in my lower belly this afternoon and my back hurts a little which it tends to do at this time of day regardless.
Is it - who knows? I want this little man to hold on until June 21 so he's a Cancer...!
I have my midwife appointment tonight so I'll hopefully have a better idea then. YIKES!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Less than a month to go!
Holy moly how time has flown by.
I can't believe how close we are to having a wee baby! I've got a butt up in my ribs and (I think) feet poking out on either side. When I have my right arm down at my side it gets booted as if the baby is telling me to get out of his space.
We went to Emilie Claire Barlow's (http://emilieclairebarlow.com/) concert with Kate, Kirb, John and Lianne last weekend and Noah was literally having a party in my uterus for the entire hour and a half of the concert. I think he really enjoys all the orchestra style instruments because Q107 doesn't get him wiggling the way the trumpet, bass, sax, flute and piano did - it was CRAZY how much he was moving and for such a long period of time!
On a non-baby related note we're almost done the outdoor work around the house! I've been squatting in dirt and digging out weeds, jumping on the dandy-fly remover (http://www2.fiskars.com/Products/Yard-and-Garden/Weeders/UpRoot-R-Weed-Root-Remover) and pulling umpteen dandyflies out of the front lawn. It's my very favourite tool because when you're releasing the weed it's like a gun trigger. The neighbours look at me like I'm nuts considering I'm 9 months pregnant and doing more work then they are. I'm just happy that I can still get around fairly easily!!
Alex is adding a bit more dirt in the back tonight (if it doesn't rain, we are getting so much damn rain) then I need to plant our new plants from Dad and Brig's yard, then we're putting down the landscape cloth in the garden beds (so weeds don't grow thru) and tossing a few inches of mulch on top. I am going to touch-up the front porch and then we're pretty much good to go! Hopefully we can get this all done by the end of the long weekend!
Then it's onto the bathroom....oh joy. It's going to be so much fun having a baby and no washroom! I really am looking forward to having a full sized tub though!!
I can't believe how close we are to having a wee baby! I've got a butt up in my ribs and (I think) feet poking out on either side. When I have my right arm down at my side it gets booted as if the baby is telling me to get out of his space.
We went to Emilie Claire Barlow's (http://emilieclairebarlow.com/) concert with Kate, Kirb, John and Lianne last weekend and Noah was literally having a party in my uterus for the entire hour and a half of the concert. I think he really enjoys all the orchestra style instruments because Q107 doesn't get him wiggling the way the trumpet, bass, sax, flute and piano did - it was CRAZY how much he was moving and for such a long period of time!
On a non-baby related note we're almost done the outdoor work around the house! I've been squatting in dirt and digging out weeds, jumping on the dandy-fly remover (http://www2.fiskars.com/Products/Yard-and-Garden/Weeders/UpRoot-R-Weed-Root-Remover) and pulling umpteen dandyflies out of the front lawn. It's my very favourite tool because when you're releasing the weed it's like a gun trigger. The neighbours look at me like I'm nuts considering I'm 9 months pregnant and doing more work then they are. I'm just happy that I can still get around fairly easily!!
Alex is adding a bit more dirt in the back tonight (if it doesn't rain, we are getting so much damn rain) then I need to plant our new plants from Dad and Brig's yard, then we're putting down the landscape cloth in the garden beds (so weeds don't grow thru) and tossing a few inches of mulch on top. I am going to touch-up the front porch and then we're pretty much good to go! Hopefully we can get this all done by the end of the long weekend!
Then it's onto the bathroom....oh joy. It's going to be so much fun having a baby and no washroom! I really am looking forward to having a full sized tub though!!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
The countdown is on!
Holy moly - I can't believe how quickly time has flown by!
There is only 2 months (my official due date is June 20 which makes today the 8 month mark) to go until I'll likely be pushing a baby out of my hoo-hoo! However, babies are "ripe" as of 37 weeks so really, I'm looking at a month and a half to two and a half depending on how comfy my womb is. I'm hoping he'll stay in a little later than his due date just so we're more than ready mentally and around the house when he makes his grand appearance.
I just got my weekly emailed baby update and he's approx 3.5 lbs and 17 inches long (get out those rulers) already. In the next 7 weeks he'll gain about half of his body weight and I'll be gaining about a pound a week. Based on the amount of food I consumed this weekend I think I probably gained about 5 this weekend...oops. I sure hope he doesn't get half of that and is actually about 5.5 lbs already - that'd give me a 10 pounder by the time I'm due. Noooo thank you!
So I'm quickly going to go through what I believe to be my pregnancy highlights and lowlights.
Baby movement - kicks, rolls, elbows and burrowing are all awesome. Mr. Noah enjoys spending the majority of his time in the lower right side of my belly I believe shoving his bum/back into my lower right abdomen. It is so cool when you feel a "part" move across your whole belly. I am the biggest fan of elbows and knees. I hope at some point he pushes a foot or a hand out so hard that I can see the full imprint!
No hangovers - imagine 10 months with no hangovers! Weekends are productive and most of the time when you're back to work you feel like you've had a good one.
Help - everytime I lift something or go somewhere people are all so helpful!
Rest - no one bugs me (other than Alex) for resting. I've had more baths in the past 8 months then I think I've had in my life!
Nesting - my closets, cupboards and house is nice and clean pretty much all the time.
Hair & nails - long and shiny!
Compliments - even though you're fat people tell you that you look great.
Contentment - I think this is probably the biggest sign that I'm ready for a baby. I just feel content. I'm not overly concerned about what's going on in other peoples lives, all over the world or even down the street. I'm just happy being me and growing this little man in me.
Naming - have we ever had a heck of a time with names. This weekend "Shane" and "Grant" were suggested. I told the suggesters that those names are both disguisting.
Maternity clothing - I want to burn all my clothing already - it's so damn expensive and boring. I've tried to buy normal clothes in bigger sizes but everything looks frumpy. My shoulders haven't grown so I am totally swimming in bigger sizes still.
Heartburn - enough said. It burns and the only relief for me seems to be Tums which I've had a bottle and a half of so far. They do work, just only for a few hours.
Cramps - especially at the beginning when you're so worried that everything is ok. It's just your uterus stretching and it's not nothing to be worried about for the most part.
Light bleeding - again, not really something to worry about unless it keeps happening. Mostly because your placenta is low in the beginning and it won't move up until your uterus grows so your upper lady parts are little more sensitive then usual. I only had it happen a couple of times and it totally freaked me out.
Mood swings - I was most moody in my first trimester but have also had some real flip-outs during my 2nd trimester. Mostly things that would make me mad regularly but they make me FUME like explosive mad - watch out!
Sleep - or should I say lack there of - for the most part in the past month or so I've spent half my nights adjusting myself and then re-adjusting my "support" pillows - my leg, belly and neck support pillows. SUPER ANNOYING.
Anywho - I'll probably add to this list when I think of more stuff but so far it's been great. I really, really love being pregnant!!!
There is only 2 months (my official due date is June 20 which makes today the 8 month mark) to go until I'll likely be pushing a baby out of my hoo-hoo! However, babies are "ripe" as of 37 weeks so really, I'm looking at a month and a half to two and a half depending on how comfy my womb is. I'm hoping he'll stay in a little later than his due date just so we're more than ready mentally and around the house when he makes his grand appearance.
I just got my weekly emailed baby update and he's approx 3.5 lbs and 17 inches long (get out those rulers) already. In the next 7 weeks he'll gain about half of his body weight and I'll be gaining about a pound a week. Based on the amount of food I consumed this weekend I think I probably gained about 5 this weekend...oops. I sure hope he doesn't get half of that and is actually about 5.5 lbs already - that'd give me a 10 pounder by the time I'm due. Noooo thank you!
So I'm quickly going to go through what I believe to be my pregnancy highlights and lowlights.
Baby movement - kicks, rolls, elbows and burrowing are all awesome. Mr. Noah enjoys spending the majority of his time in the lower right side of my belly I believe shoving his bum/back into my lower right abdomen. It is so cool when you feel a "part" move across your whole belly. I am the biggest fan of elbows and knees. I hope at some point he pushes a foot or a hand out so hard that I can see the full imprint!
No hangovers - imagine 10 months with no hangovers! Weekends are productive and most of the time when you're back to work you feel like you've had a good one.
Help - everytime I lift something or go somewhere people are all so helpful!
Rest - no one bugs me (other than Alex) for resting. I've had more baths in the past 8 months then I think I've had in my life!
Nesting - my closets, cupboards and house is nice and clean pretty much all the time.
Hair & nails - long and shiny!
Compliments - even though you're fat people tell you that you look great.
Contentment - I think this is probably the biggest sign that I'm ready for a baby. I just feel content. I'm not overly concerned about what's going on in other peoples lives, all over the world or even down the street. I'm just happy being me and growing this little man in me.
Naming - have we ever had a heck of a time with names. This weekend "Shane" and "Grant" were suggested. I told the suggesters that those names are both disguisting.
Maternity clothing - I want to burn all my clothing already - it's so damn expensive and boring. I've tried to buy normal clothes in bigger sizes but everything looks frumpy. My shoulders haven't grown so I am totally swimming in bigger sizes still.
Heartburn - enough said. It burns and the only relief for me seems to be Tums which I've had a bottle and a half of so far. They do work, just only for a few hours.
Cramps - especially at the beginning when you're so worried that everything is ok. It's just your uterus stretching and it's not nothing to be worried about for the most part.
Light bleeding - again, not really something to worry about unless it keeps happening. Mostly because your placenta is low in the beginning and it won't move up until your uterus grows so your upper lady parts are little more sensitive then usual. I only had it happen a couple of times and it totally freaked me out.
Mood swings - I was most moody in my first trimester but have also had some real flip-outs during my 2nd trimester. Mostly things that would make me mad regularly but they make me FUME like explosive mad - watch out!
Sleep - or should I say lack there of - for the most part in the past month or so I've spent half my nights adjusting myself and then re-adjusting my "support" pillows - my leg, belly and neck support pillows. SUPER ANNOYING.
Anywho - I'll probably add to this list when I think of more stuff but so far it's been great. I really, really love being pregnant!!!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Who thought they weren't busy? ME!
Pre-baby to do's
Outside - house
1. Re-paint the front boards of the front deck and any spots needed on the main part (paint the little step-up into the house that I missed the first time)
2. Re-paint the middle thing between our bedroom window
3. Order & put up dark brown shutters on the top 2 windows (need to measure)
4. Get a couple of quotes on fixing up the mortar at the front and back of the house
Outside - yard & garden
1. Clean out front garden - remove the cedar bush & corkscrew hazel - replace with nice stuff
2. Weed the gardens
3. Buy some plants
4. Seed the lawn or buy sod and fix
5. Power wash the deck?
6. Kill the sneaky tree that's trying to grow again behind the little maple tree near Claudette & Brian's shed
7. Take out the pretty little tree that Winston ate
Inside - main floor
1. Clean the living room carpet
2. Re-paint the livingroom, hallway & stairway
3. Re-paint the door frames with dark brown
Inside - basement
1. Paint it
2. Sweep & mop the floor
Inside - upstairs
1. Paint the babies room
2. Re-paint the upstairs hallway
3. Re-paint the door frames with dark brown
4. Get something to go on the big wall in the spare room
Baby & me stuff
1. Mattress
2. Carseat
3. Wash all the new baby clothing
4. Get some diapers, wipes, butt ointment etc.
5. Baby monitor
6. Change table pad
7. Bedding
8. Post labour things for me - drugs, pads, nursing bra's etc.
9. Pack a bag for me for the hospital
Financial stuff
1. Home valuation
2. Meet with CFP RE: finances (RESP, mortgage, savings etc.)
3. No more personal accounts?
4. Yard sale
Outside - house
1. Re-paint the front boards of the front deck and any spots needed on the main part (paint the little step-up into the house that I missed the first time)
2. Re-paint the middle thing between our bedroom window
3. Order & put up dark brown shutters on the top 2 windows (need to measure)
4. Get a couple of quotes on fixing up the mortar at the front and back of the house
Outside - yard & garden
1. Clean out front garden - remove the cedar bush & corkscrew hazel - replace with nice stuff
2. Weed the gardens
3. Buy some plants
4. Seed the lawn or buy sod and fix
5. Power wash the deck?
6. Kill the sneaky tree that's trying to grow again behind the little maple tree near Claudette & Brian's shed
7. Take out the pretty little tree that Winston ate
Inside - main floor
1. Clean the living room carpet
2. Re-paint the livingroom, hallway & stairway
3. Re-paint the door frames with dark brown
Inside - basement
1. Paint it
2. Sweep & mop the floor
Inside - upstairs
1. Paint the babies room
2. Re-paint the upstairs hallway
3. Re-paint the door frames with dark brown
4. Get something to go on the big wall in the spare room
Baby & me stuff
1. Mattress
2. Carseat
3. Wash all the new baby clothing
4. Get some diapers, wipes, butt ointment etc.
5. Baby monitor
6. Change table pad
7. Bedding
8. Post labour things for me - drugs, pads, nursing bra's etc.
9. Pack a bag for me for the hospital
Financial stuff
1. Home valuation
2. Meet with CFP RE: finances (RESP, mortgage, savings etc.)
3. No more personal accounts?
4. Yard sale
Friday, April 8, 2011
I'm baaaack!
After an almost 2 month hiatus, I'm back. I wanted to leave my tribute up to my favourite fur baby for an appropriate amount of time and I also haven't much felt like blogging for the last little while. Today is an especially slow day at work (I'm ahead!) so I'm taking advantage and will update on the activities going on in the past few months!
So, to start - we are feeling much better about our loss of Winston. We've done a really good clean, my Mom has picked up his toys etc. that were still around and we're both feeling a lot better. Of course we still miss him terribly but life has taken on a new "norm" that we're both ok with. I'd much rather have him around, but knowing that he's better off in doggie heaven is not just an "I should think" it's an "I do think" which is a huge difference and makes for a much more positive feeling overall.
We went on a trip to Cuba for 1 week back in early March and it was great! The weather was awesome (6.5 out of 7 of sunny days) what more could a white ass Canadian want? Alex fried, I tanned and we soaked up the salty sea water and sunshine. We also got to see a really cool tropical storm which came up to the beach with no warning and literally took the resort to town. There were coconuts flying off trees, a sandstorm and pretty much everything that wasn't nailed down was in the air. I guess it was most exciting because we didn't get hit by anything and could go to our room and watch rather than participate. So those were the highlights. The low lights were as follows: food sucked, our first room was crummy but we got moved, I barfed on the plane on the way home while wearing a zip-up hoodie that I threw up all over (underneath I was wearing a tube top with no bra - beautiful site) and lastly, we waited like 2 hours for our luggage when we got home at 2 a.m. so we we didn't get out of the airport until 4 a.m. or something - it was sick.
What else have I been up to? A whole bunch of nothing! Of course, we're still stupid busy on weekends but the weekdays are nice and quiet. They mostly consist of eating and laying around which I quite enjoy! Who knew that a former busy-body running from place to place could still still for 5 hours watching "Grey's Anatomy" on the internet? PS - Grey's Anatomy is awesome and I'm really pissed about the season finale or whatever that was with the ridiculous singing episode. I thought I might throw up while watching it. Thank God Christina didn't sing - I think I would have lost my mind. So far during my pregnancy we've watched the following shows from beginning to end: Lost, Grey's Anatomy & United States of Tara. All excellent and highly recommended. Pre-pregnancy we also watched Dexter which was awesome and also is recommended.
Work wise we had the Spring Open House on Saturday, March 26 and it was a super huge hit. We doubled our student turn out and had about 5,000 people in total at both campuses. Since I was the organizer on my team I got a lot of brownie points for that one! It was a long ass day (there at 7 a.m. and home at 4 p.m. ) but thankfully my lover came and volunteered at the event and slugged all the heavy stuff around for me. Thanks love!
Baby update - about 3 weeks ago I had a mini (ok, full blown) heart attack when I found out that the little man was approximately 14 inches already. Measure that - that is HUGE - then I started investigating and most babies are between 19 and 24 inches when they come out. Oh great - can't wait! Bleck. In general though, my pregnancy has been fabulous; other than heart burn and a lack of sleep due to having to move my sleeping operation (3 pillows strategically placed) every time I need to get comfortable I have no complaints. The baby's heart beat is normal, my blood pressure, sugar and all that stuff is normal and I haven't gained 100 lbs so all is good in the hood. Right now I'm 29 weeks and 5 days, baby's head is down bum is on my right up top and all his kicks and punches occur on my left side below my ribs or down in my "area" which isn't very enjoyable. He specifically enjoys punching me in the colon which is oh so lovely. I'm sitting in a meeting minding my own business and then "whamo!" I jump and everyone looks at me and I smile. They think it's just a cute little kick that I'm overreacting about. Little did they know that I just got ass punched.
Oh and we've 99% decided on a name "Noah Alexander Orval Powell" meaning - "Peaceful, Warrior, Spear-Strength, Eminent". Pretty awesome and I think a nice mix of tough guy and sweetie pie. Just what we want in a man! Alexander is obviously Alex's name and is also his Grandad's name who we both love and respect a ton. Grandad was in both World Wars, was drafted to the Leaf's as a goalie, loves mini-Mac's (think Big Mac toppings on a cheeseburger), he is a man of few words but when he says something you can be sure it's something you'll want to hear. He is a beautiful man! Orval is my grandpa's name (Dad's Dad) who was one of my very favourite men that every roamed this Earth. He was a lover of fruits and vegetables, puttering, apple pie with cheese, practical jokes, laughing until he cried and being outside. The man was a gem and someone all men should aspire to be like!
Ok, so I think that's enough now! I'm also really happy that I know of 3 other ladies that are pregnant so I'm not the only one now. I'm the only one who will be giving birth in approx. 70 days but at least I've got some other maternity leave friends. :-) OHHHHHH and speaking of maternity - I have a super sweet deal. I'm off from June 17, 2011 until September 4, 2012.
So, to start - we are feeling much better about our loss of Winston. We've done a really good clean, my Mom has picked up his toys etc. that were still around and we're both feeling a lot better. Of course we still miss him terribly but life has taken on a new "norm" that we're both ok with. I'd much rather have him around, but knowing that he's better off in doggie heaven is not just an "I should think" it's an "I do think" which is a huge difference and makes for a much more positive feeling overall.
We went on a trip to Cuba for 1 week back in early March and it was great! The weather was awesome (6.5 out of 7 of sunny days) what more could a white ass Canadian want? Alex fried, I tanned and we soaked up the salty sea water and sunshine. We also got to see a really cool tropical storm which came up to the beach with no warning and literally took the resort to town. There were coconuts flying off trees, a sandstorm and pretty much everything that wasn't nailed down was in the air. I guess it was most exciting because we didn't get hit by anything and could go to our room and watch rather than participate. So those were the highlights. The low lights were as follows: food sucked, our first room was crummy but we got moved, I barfed on the plane on the way home while wearing a zip-up hoodie that I threw up all over (underneath I was wearing a tube top with no bra - beautiful site) and lastly, we waited like 2 hours for our luggage when we got home at 2 a.m. so we we didn't get out of the airport until 4 a.m. or something - it was sick.
What else have I been up to? A whole bunch of nothing! Of course, we're still stupid busy on weekends but the weekdays are nice and quiet. They mostly consist of eating and laying around which I quite enjoy! Who knew that a former busy-body running from place to place could still still for 5 hours watching "Grey's Anatomy" on the internet? PS - Grey's Anatomy is awesome and I'm really pissed about the season finale or whatever that was with the ridiculous singing episode. I thought I might throw up while watching it. Thank God Christina didn't sing - I think I would have lost my mind. So far during my pregnancy we've watched the following shows from beginning to end: Lost, Grey's Anatomy & United States of Tara. All excellent and highly recommended. Pre-pregnancy we also watched Dexter which was awesome and also is recommended.
Work wise we had the Spring Open House on Saturday, March 26 and it was a super huge hit. We doubled our student turn out and had about 5,000 people in total at both campuses. Since I was the organizer on my team I got a lot of brownie points for that one! It was a long ass day (there at 7 a.m. and home at 4 p.m. ) but thankfully my lover came and volunteered at the event and slugged all the heavy stuff around for me. Thanks love!
Baby update - about 3 weeks ago I had a mini (ok, full blown) heart attack when I found out that the little man was approximately 14 inches already. Measure that - that is HUGE - then I started investigating and most babies are between 19 and 24 inches when they come out. Oh great - can't wait! Bleck. In general though, my pregnancy has been fabulous; other than heart burn and a lack of sleep due to having to move my sleeping operation (3 pillows strategically placed) every time I need to get comfortable I have no complaints. The baby's heart beat is normal, my blood pressure, sugar and all that stuff is normal and I haven't gained 100 lbs so all is good in the hood. Right now I'm 29 weeks and 5 days, baby's head is down bum is on my right up top and all his kicks and punches occur on my left side below my ribs or down in my "area" which isn't very enjoyable. He specifically enjoys punching me in the colon which is oh so lovely. I'm sitting in a meeting minding my own business and then "whamo!" I jump and everyone looks at me and I smile. They think it's just a cute little kick that I'm overreacting about. Little did they know that I just got ass punched.
Oh and we've 99% decided on a name "Noah Alexander Orval Powell" meaning - "Peaceful, Warrior, Spear-Strength, Eminent". Pretty awesome and I think a nice mix of tough guy and sweetie pie. Just what we want in a man! Alexander is obviously Alex's name and is also his Grandad's name who we both love and respect a ton. Grandad was in both World Wars, was drafted to the Leaf's as a goalie, loves mini-Mac's (think Big Mac toppings on a cheeseburger), he is a man of few words but when he says something you can be sure it's something you'll want to hear. He is a beautiful man! Orval is my grandpa's name (Dad's Dad) who was one of my very favourite men that every roamed this Earth. He was a lover of fruits and vegetables, puttering, apple pie with cheese, practical jokes, laughing until he cried and being outside. The man was a gem and someone all men should aspire to be like!
Ok, so I think that's enough now! I'm also really happy that I know of 3 other ladies that are pregnant so I'm not the only one now. I'm the only one who will be giving birth in approx. 70 days but at least I've got some other maternity leave friends. :-) OHHHHHH and speaking of maternity - I have a super sweet deal. I'm off from June 17, 2011 until September 4, 2012.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Rest In Peace - Sir Winston Stanley Powell

I’m writing this with the most aching sadness I’ve felt in a really, really long time. I’ve cried pretty much every moment I’ve been awake since Wednesday, February 16 at around 5:30 p.m. I am so sad to say that we’ve lost our boy, Sir Winston Stanley Powell to dog heaven. I’m not going to go into details because re-living his last few minutes isn’t what I want to do here and it’s way too fresh in my mind.
What I want to do is remember everything I loved about my dancing bear who jumped, wriggled and tap danced his way to the backdoor every morning, lunch hour and evening on his way out for a pee. A tiger striped, white pawed and black faced handsome boy who had the most kind and magnificent face. He always found the only space available with you on the couch and if you were on your side you can guarantee he’d find his way to the crook of your legs and his paws would be flopped over your knee with his head on your bum. He’d always bring his favourite corkscrew-style rubber toy over to play. Alex and I have spent countless hours playing fetch (in the house!), tug of war and well, I’m not sure what this is called but holding the toy in the air while moving it around in circles and Winston would jump, flip and lunge for it running around our feet. As soon as we found out we had a baby on the way we got rid of Winston’s crate and started to keep him in our nursery (the room off our bedroom) while we were out. He did not chew one thing, have one accident and was always waiting for us either laying in his poppasan or on our bed with his head titled to the side and his little nub of a tail wagging. The question “Were you a good boy?” and inspection of the room was always met with an excited dance as he waited for a pet or a good scratch from head to toe. When I scratched his upper arms he would lay down he was so relaxed and when I got to his bum he’d sit down because his legs would give out from under him. “Do you want to go for a walk?” or “Do you want to go for a ride in the car?” always resulted in him booting it from wherever the question was asked to the front door and then he’d anxiously twist and turn his body waiting for his leash to be put on and us to get ready. In the car you’d feel his little face on your shoulder or his tongue attempting to lick the back of your ear. If you left and came back he was always in the front seat waiting and after a “Winston, get in the back!” he’d reluctantly move to the backseat (my fault, sometimes I let him sit on me in the front). He was so good on walks – we’d let him off his leash in the laneways and he’d run like a madman, you’d call him and he’d stay where he was and wait for you to put his collar back on to cross the street. If we were at the park and he was off leash – even if there was another dog, he’d come back to you. He was only a year and three months old, pretty impressive. He could sit, stay, come, lay down, shake a paw, high five and we were working on roll over. He’d run like a crazy man around the park, backyard, cottage or house and chances were he’d either have transformed into full batboy or half batboy – this was when one ear was flipped inside out and backwards or both were, he honestly looked like a bat and he’d be called “batboy” until his ear was flipped back to the normal position. He never once growled at another dog or tried to start a fight - he even let girl dogs and puppies hump him!! Such good manners. When he’d come in from outside he’d sit on the mat and lift one paw after the other so his paws wouldn’t leave wet marks all over the floor. He’d ring his bell at the back door when he wanted to go out. He was amazing. I miss him SO freaking much – and it hasn’t even been a day yet. Baths were so funny – first of all, he loved them. If Alex or I were in the bath we’d look over and see his face perched on the lip of the tub. I’m sure we looked pretty nuts lifting a 70lb dog into our claw foot bathtub, pouring heaps of warm water over his body and scrubbing him clean with “Say Yes to Carrots”! He’d lick the water and attempt to lick the shampoo off his body. We’d then lift him out of the tub onto a clean towel and throw another towel over top of him and dry him as best as we could with him trying to buck me off his back. Before the bath I would close all the doors to the rooms and move all the pillows/blankets from the couch because the minute I took that towel off him he’d start dive bombing every soft surface that was available flopping all over things, rubbing his face all the way down to his bum on whatever he could find...what a nut! He loved all cottages – running around outside all day, going for big walks, SWIMMING and I think his personal favourite, eating the grease out of the fish fry pan at Ashley Tryan’s cottage. I can’t remember the last good sleep in both Alex and I got. I think 7:45 a.m. was the latest we were both in bed because Pootes was ready to get up. The thing is – neither of us minded getting up with him that early even if we were tired. We got up, and let him out and the other person got up shortly after because, well – if everyone else is up why shouldn’t you just get your butt out of bed?
These last few weeks have been some of my very favourite with SWSP – I can honestly say I’ve cherished every moment. We knew he was sick and I just knew he wasn’t going to get better. The vet said it could be pneumonia, an infection or his heart – I could feel it in my heart that it was his heart. He’s slept in bed with us almost every night....he sleeps pretty much on me and I’ve caught him actually on my pillow with me a few times. Even though he took up ½ my side of the bed I didn’t mind. I’d reach down, readjust him and go back to bed while listening to a big sigh from him for disturbing his slumber. When we’d finally get up (Alex leaves earlier than me) he’d stand up, stretch and attempt EVERY MORNING to partake in his morning shake on our bed. It got to the point where I’d starting holding his head and back so he couldn’t shake and force him off the bed – who wants a bunch of dog hair on their bed!? To be honest, right now I wouldn’t mind. I’d started giving him little bits of people food. I’m not talking french fries, I’m talking lemon in his water (helped with his breath and he LOVED it!), a piece of cheese for sitting and staying at the backdoor, a lick of the spaghetti sauce leftover on my plate (don’t worry, I washed it!) etc. I can’t remember the last time I got mad at him for anything. I am also so happy that we have so many photos of our little man - all the way from when he was a little tiny baby to probably 2 days ago. I don’t think I’m ready to look at them all yet without having a mental breakdown but I’m glad they’re there when I’m ready. I am so glad we’ve spent so much time with him. He’s been so good – the best.
The only part that makes any of this slightly and I mean SLIGHTLY ok is that I know he’s better off. I don’t mean without Alex and I because I can pretty much guarantee that he’s running around in dog heaven looking for us. But I know that the life he led for the last month or so wasn’t fair to him. He couldn’t go on walks or he’d gag to the point of exhaustion and look at me with the saddest eyes. He didn’t want to play with other dogs (other than his girlfriend Daisy) because he couldn’t keep up with them. He was basically an indoor year and three month old puppy. If he wasn’t overly excited he was fine, which is how we justified that it was ok for now. He could run in the house and play with his toys, he could lay with us and hangout, go for rides in the car and do tricks for treats. Looking back at it now, it sounds like a life for a dog who has lived a full life. Not a puppy who only one month ago was running around on Lake Rosseau for 5 hours playing in the snow and stealing cantaloupe peels from in the piles of snow I’d covered them with. I had plans for us on maternity leave that I’d go for big walks and runs with him and the baby – which wouldn’t have been possible and would’ve been torture to both him and me. Even for family day Alex was saying we should all go to Bond Head and walk around – well, we couldn’t – not with Winston. So this is about the only thing right now that makes me stop and think “it’s ok” (that is until another memory sneaks up on me and makes me cry again). I cry for me, I cry for Alex but I am not crying for Winston. He’ll miss us I know but he can run and play until his heart is content up in dog heaven.
His face, is the physical feature I’m going to miss the most. I know most people think their animal is the cutest but Winston was more than cute – he was handsome and he was our baby. His face lit up my face, his face made me happy, his face made my day. His face did the same for Alex – we always talked about what a magnificent face he had.
I am going to miss his companionship more than anything in the world. Hell, he even followed me to the bathroom. I can’t remember the last time I was in my house actually by myself. The only place he didn’t follow me was the basement. Winston made me feel ok to be alone – before, I couldn’t go more than an hour or two by myself. As long as I had him I was good for days. He was my company – someone to make me smile, to take on walks, to love. I didn’t need a person if I had him with me.
I’m not sure if he ever really knew what his real name was. Here are some I can think of off the top of my head: Pootes, Tootes, Niggly-boots, Sir Winston, Winston Stanley, SWSP, Winston, Stanley, dancing bear, batboy (when his ears were flipped back), half batboy (when one ear was flipped back).
Right now, it’s 7:42 a.m. and I normally get up around 7:15 a.m. – I can’t bear to get out of bed. I know Alex put all his toys, food bowls, bed etc down in the basement for me, I know he’s got Norah Jones playing so it won’t be so quiet but it’s still not enough. I want my puppy. I’m getting up, I’m showering and I’m going to work. I think if I stayed here I would dehydrate and that’s not good for the other person I have inside of me. But believe me, if it was just me I’d dehydrate.
Pootes, I love you – I love you so so so much. I miss you, will never forget you and you are the "dog of my life".
Friday, February 4, 2011
It's a BOY!!
So I went to my ultrasound today with Alex's Mom because Alex is away in NYC on business and my Mom is away in St. Martine on a vacation with some friends.
I had been taunting Alex for the past week or so saying that I might find out if the mood strikes me because he won't be there to regulate me (similar to how I've almost finished the whole container of nestle chocolate fudge drumstick ice cream since he left). I wasn't really ever going to just was having fun bugging him.
Anywho, the tech asked if I wanted to find out and I said in an unsure voice "Noooooo, I don't want to" and she said something along the lines of "Oh, you sound really sure about that" and then laughed. So she went on with her HOUR long ultrasound checking for the heart, lungs, stomach etc. (every bit you can think of) and then went to get my mother in law so she could come in for the last little bit where they show you the head, arms, legs etc.
So, (I feel like I'm writing anywho and so a lot) she started with her "and this is the head, and this is the arm and this is the .... blah, blah". I have to admit that I was looking but I didn't expect to see anything when WHAMO! PENIS ALERT! I said something like "I think I see the penis" and she said "You would've made a good ultrasound technician". Joan (Alex's Mom) saw it too plain as day so there is no chance of a wrong gender determination!
Alex called right after the ultrasound was done and he was ecstatic. Now we need to start thinking of somewhat traditional boy names that no one else in our families (this includes extended) has already. Good times considering we already have: Nicholas, Lucas, Jack, James, David, Robert, Stephen, John, Thomas, Samuel, Craig, Jacob, Gabriel, Mark, Christopher, Daniel, Brenden etc.
Please send me ideas!!
WAHOO! CRAZY. It's hard to get my head around calling the baby "he or him" vs. "he/she or the baby". I am actually really glad I saw that baby's bits because now I can get used to a boy and start looking for boy clothing (which I dread) because girl clothing is just SO much more fun. I do know a blue and white striped train conductor pair of overalls and a matching hat will be in the dresser by the end of the weekend - NOW THAT IS CUTE!!!
It's also funny because just a couple of days ago Alex said that he thinks I'm too rough to have a girl baby. Looks like he was right! Maybe a boy baby will soften me up so I'm ready to have a delicate little lady down the line.
:-) xo Jenn
I had been taunting Alex for the past week or so saying that I might find out if the mood strikes me because he won't be there to regulate me (similar to how I've almost finished the whole container of nestle chocolate fudge drumstick ice cream since he left). I wasn't really ever going to just was having fun bugging him.
Anywho, the tech asked if I wanted to find out and I said in an unsure voice "Noooooo, I don't want to" and she said something along the lines of "Oh, you sound really sure about that" and then laughed. So she went on with her HOUR long ultrasound checking for the heart, lungs, stomach etc. (every bit you can think of) and then went to get my mother in law so she could come in for the last little bit where they show you the head, arms, legs etc.
So, (I feel like I'm writing anywho and so a lot) she started with her "and this is the head, and this is the arm and this is the .... blah, blah". I have to admit that I was looking but I didn't expect to see anything when WHAMO! PENIS ALERT! I said something like "I think I see the penis" and she said "You would've made a good ultrasound technician". Joan (Alex's Mom) saw it too plain as day so there is no chance of a wrong gender determination!
Alex called right after the ultrasound was done and he was ecstatic. Now we need to start thinking of somewhat traditional boy names that no one else in our families (this includes extended) has already. Good times considering we already have: Nicholas, Lucas, Jack, James, David, Robert, Stephen, John, Thomas, Samuel, Craig, Jacob, Gabriel, Mark, Christopher, Daniel, Brenden etc.
Please send me ideas!!
WAHOO! CRAZY. It's hard to get my head around calling the baby "he or him" vs. "he/she or the baby". I am actually really glad I saw that baby's bits because now I can get used to a boy and start looking for boy clothing (which I dread) because girl clothing is just SO much more fun. I do know a blue and white striped train conductor pair of overalls and a matching hat will be in the dresser by the end of the weekend - NOW THAT IS CUTE!!!
It's also funny because just a couple of days ago Alex said that he thinks I'm too rough to have a girl baby. Looks like he was right! Maybe a boy baby will soften me up so I'm ready to have a delicate little lady down the line.
:-) xo Jenn
Friday, January 14, 2011
No more Pilates for me (for now).
Towards the end of the weekend I started to spot a little and got worked up about it after it continued for a couple of days. I went to see my midwife and baby is great (heart beat was 135 bpm) and the spotting is for unknown reasons.
She's told me to stop doing any physical exercise and lay low for the next month or so to let whatever is bothering my belly have some time to heal. I totally see her point of view and followed her orders but it left me in quite a predicament.
I was supposed to start teaching two 14-week Pilates sessions at the school starting NEXT week (meaning the classes were already full and people had paid their dues) and I had to email the fitness coordinator to tell her that I can't teach. Worst part was that I know there isn't a replacement as I'm the only one who teaches at the school. Did I feel like a jerk or what?
Luckily, she was very gracious about it which made me feel a heck of a lot better. Now, how in the world am I going to slow down for a whole month?! I guess some things are meant to be. Life will slow down when the baby comes so again - I suppose I'm just being prepared by the powers that be.
I'm still allowed to take Sir Winston Stanley Powell on walks so I'll be getting a good hour of exercise most nights which I suppose makes up for some of my non-Pilates but I'm worried now that I'll get rusty teaching and doing the postures myself now that I'm not going to be teaching for another 6 months or so (have to wait until my rectus femores goes back to it's home after the baby is out).
Oh well, got to do what's best for the wee nut and me.
PS - the baby is 13 cm now not including legs and arms. That's pretty freaking big if you ask me!
She's told me to stop doing any physical exercise and lay low for the next month or so to let whatever is bothering my belly have some time to heal. I totally see her point of view and followed her orders but it left me in quite a predicament.
I was supposed to start teaching two 14-week Pilates sessions at the school starting NEXT week (meaning the classes were already full and people had paid their dues) and I had to email the fitness coordinator to tell her that I can't teach. Worst part was that I know there isn't a replacement as I'm the only one who teaches at the school. Did I feel like a jerk or what?
Luckily, she was very gracious about it which made me feel a heck of a lot better. Now, how in the world am I going to slow down for a whole month?! I guess some things are meant to be. Life will slow down when the baby comes so again - I suppose I'm just being prepared by the powers that be.
I'm still allowed to take Sir Winston Stanley Powell on walks so I'll be getting a good hour of exercise most nights which I suppose makes up for some of my non-Pilates but I'm worried now that I'll get rusty teaching and doing the postures myself now that I'm not going to be teaching for another 6 months or so (have to wait until my rectus femores goes back to it's home after the baby is out).
Oh well, got to do what's best for the wee nut and me.
PS - the baby is 13 cm now not including legs and arms. That's pretty freaking big if you ask me!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Kick, kick roll!!!
I was just booted in the uterus 2 times in a row followed by what felt like a roll.
Green apple, blueberries & decaf coffee make this wee one move.
SOOOOOOOO cool!!!!
It was 11:28 a.m. and I was in the lunch room at work being quiet with my hand on my belly.
PS - I think it's a boy.
Green apple, blueberries & decaf coffee make this wee one move.
SOOOOOOOO cool!!!!
It was 11:28 a.m. and I was in the lunch room at work being quiet with my hand on my belly.
PS - I think it's a boy.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Good news!
Just a super quick post....
I had my midwife appointment on Thursday and she read me the results of my IPS test which included the ultrasound technicians take on my ultrasound I posted a few posts back.
It read that the baby is measuring right on target based on conception in the torso, leg & arm size, that the nuchal translucency fluid in the neck is the right amount and that she could see the bridge of the nose which combined (neck fluid and nose bridge) means there is little to no chance of the baby having downs syndrome, spinabifida etc. WAHOO!
She also listened for the heart beat and it was 140 beats per minute which she said is great.
I also found out that my midwife delivered for one of my friends older sisters and that she was amazing for both her kids so that made me feel really, really good.
That is all!
xo Jenn
I had my midwife appointment on Thursday and she read me the results of my IPS test which included the ultrasound technicians take on my ultrasound I posted a few posts back.
It read that the baby is measuring right on target based on conception in the torso, leg & arm size, that the nuchal translucency fluid in the neck is the right amount and that she could see the bridge of the nose which combined (neck fluid and nose bridge) means there is little to no chance of the baby having downs syndrome, spinabifida etc. WAHOO!
She also listened for the heart beat and it was 140 beats per minute which she said is great.
I also found out that my midwife delivered for one of my friends older sisters and that she was amazing for both her kids so that made me feel really, really good.
That is all!
xo Jenn
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