Thursday, December 15, 2011


HFMLHCSM - Holy F$%* My Life Has Changed So Much

So my Grandpa's wife sent me a text a few weeks ago that was something like this: ROTFLMFAO and I was completely stumped as to what it meant. She's about 60 years old - why does she know this slang and I don't? So I created my own. Betcha no one could guess that one!

I've been a little caught up in life for the past 6 months or so with VERY good reason. We had a baby, moved and well; I'd say that's enough to keep a girl occupied.

Having a baby to say the least is challenging. You're tired, in love, frustrated, exhilerated and everything else you can think of at one time. The brain is working on overdrive trying to take care of yourself, your babe, your family on top of everything else that needs to be done. This could be why I had a hard time making a Lipton Sidekick a few weeks ago or why I left a candle burning in the bathroom or why I left the lights on the back deck on even after Alex specifically said to me "When you come in from the hot tub make sure you turn off the back deck lights". You're just not all there.

The new house is amazing - it's a handful at the moment but it is so worth it! The only thing I think I would change is the fact that you can hear every creak in the house from every room. It makes it super difficult to do anything quietly. However, that's an old house. I can't wait for the summer to enjoy our amazing backyard with family and friends! We have an above ground pool and a hot tub as well as an amazing back deck. I'm hoping we can have our 30th birthday party back there - 30! Holy shit.

Noah is a freaking darling! I love that little runt like I've never loved anything or anyone else before. He is funny - oh so funny. He loves to dive bomb my face and try to eat it (I like to think it's because he loves me so much). He also loves to whine with a noise the sounds like "guuhhhhhhhh" and if you do it back to him in his ear he starts laughing like a madman because he knows you're making fun of him. He loves to be in your arms over your head or moved from side to side and giggles like a little schoolgirl if you bounce him around in either of those positions. He's not even 6 months yet! He's sitting up 90% on his own with a few face plants here and there, his naps are FINALLY taking some shape and we get about an hour and a half around 9 and another hour and a half around 1 - he's not feeling well at the moment and we've added another 30 minute nap around 4 to get him through until 7 p.m. which is bedtime. Lately, TTGL (thank the good lord - another good one) he's only been getting up at 3 a.m. for a feed. This makes me a little more alive during the day. He's had 2 colds and 2 eye infections which is really bugging me, poor guy! I don't think he got rid of the first cold fully and it came back a few days ago. It's not as bad this time round but it still sucks.

Alex is I think finally getting used to me being on maternity leave and ok with leaving in the morning without being too jealous of my days with Noah. Everytime he walks in the door 2 ear to ear grins are waiting for him because we're both so happy to see Da-da (something I'm working on Noah saying with no luck so far).

All in all the last 5 months have been insane but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Life is absolutely amazing.

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