Monday, April 25, 2011

The countdown is on!

Holy moly - I can't believe how quickly time has flown by!

There is only 2 months (my official due date is June 20 which makes today the 8 month mark) to go until I'll likely be pushing a baby out of my hoo-hoo! However, babies are "ripe" as of 37 weeks so really, I'm looking at a month and a half to two and a half depending on how comfy my womb is. I'm hoping he'll stay in a little later than his due date just so we're more than ready mentally and around the house when he makes his grand appearance.

I just got my weekly emailed baby update and he's approx 3.5 lbs and 17 inches long (get out those rulers) already. In the next 7 weeks he'll gain about half of his body weight and I'll be gaining about a pound a week. Based on the amount of food I consumed this weekend I think I probably gained about 5 this weekend...oops. I sure hope he doesn't get half of that and is actually about 5.5 lbs already - that'd give me a 10 pounder by the time I'm due. Noooo thank you!

So I'm quickly going to go through what I believe to be my pregnancy highlights and lowlights.

Baby movement - kicks, rolls, elbows and burrowing are all awesome. Mr. Noah enjoys spending the majority of his time in the lower right side of my belly I believe shoving his bum/back into my lower right abdomen. It is so cool when you feel a "part" move across your whole belly. I am the biggest fan of elbows and knees. I hope at some point he pushes a foot or a hand out so hard that I can see the full imprint!
No hangovers - imagine 10 months with no hangovers! Weekends are productive and most of the time when you're back to work you feel like you've had a good one.
Help - everytime I lift something or go somewhere people are all so helpful!
Rest - no one bugs me (other than Alex) for resting. I've had more baths in the past 8 months then I think I've had in my life!
Nesting - my closets, cupboards and house is nice and clean pretty much all the time.
Hair & nails - long and shiny!
Compliments - even though you're fat people tell you that you look great.
Contentment - I think this is probably the biggest sign that I'm ready for a baby. I just feel content. I'm not overly concerned about what's going on in other peoples lives, all over the world or even down the street. I'm just happy being me and growing this little man in me.

Naming - have we ever had a heck of a time with names. This weekend "Shane" and "Grant" were suggested. I told the suggesters that those names are both disguisting.
Maternity clothing - I want to burn all my clothing already - it's so damn expensive and boring. I've tried to buy normal clothes in bigger sizes but everything looks frumpy. My shoulders haven't grown so I am totally swimming in bigger sizes still.
Heartburn - enough said. It burns and the only relief for me seems to be Tums which I've had a bottle and a half of so far. They do work, just only for a few hours.
Cramps - especially at the beginning when you're so worried that everything is ok. It's just your uterus stretching and it's not nothing to be worried about for the most part.
Light bleeding - again, not really something to worry about unless it keeps happening. Mostly because your placenta is low in the beginning and it won't move up until your uterus grows so your upper lady parts are little more sensitive then usual. I only had it happen a couple of times and it totally freaked me out.
Mood swings - I was most moody in my first trimester but have also had some real flip-outs during my 2nd trimester. Mostly things that would make me mad regularly but they make me FUME like explosive mad - watch out!
Sleep - or should I say lack there of - for the most part in the past month or so I've spent half my nights adjusting myself and then re-adjusting my "support" pillows - my leg, belly and neck support pillows. SUPER ANNOYING.

Anywho - I'll probably add to this list when I think of more stuff but so far it's been great. I really, really love being pregnant!!!

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