Tuesday, August 3, 2010

it's baby time.

For the past 2 years Alex and I have been all over the map about when to start a family (actually, it's just been me). A few months before we got married Alex suggested we wait for a year after our wedding and I agreed. A year didn't seem that long to me and only a few of our good friends were in long term relationships let alone ready for or thinking about having a child. I'd also heard from tons of people that it's best to be pregnant and have children when others in your life is so the transition from two to three isn't so isolating.

After about six months of being married I started to change my tune. I wasn't happy in my job, lots was going on at home (on my side of the family) and I decided I needed something to keep my spirits up. Guess what that was? A baby!! Alex, being the level-headed, process oriented creature that he is said no way jose you agreed to a year and we're sticking to it. Looking back now I realize he was right and that he likely would've agreed had I been in a better head space and not as overwhelmed as I was at that point in life. He's a keeper. I will also admit I was suffering from baby fever as people we knew started to get pregnant and I felt like I was missing out.

Shortly after this baby episode I decided I wasn't happy in my job and that getting a job closer to home that allowed me to have a better quality of life was more important. I took a leap and looked at my new endeavour as a "what is meant to be will be" perspective and I took a one year contract job that was 5 minutes from home versus an hour in hopes of it turning into full time.

Fast forward to about two months ago (nine months after my contract started) and you'd find me sitting in HR signing a full time contract! I was (and am) ecstatic.

So, for the past month and a half or so Alex and I have been discussing what the appropriate length of time is to be on full time before getting pregnant. I've been polling my girlfriends to find out there point of view. After about 2 weeks of agonizing (because we are both ready) we decided that we're going to try right away because we shouldn't be concerned with what the correct protocol is but what feels right for us.

I'm so excited for this next chapter of life and to have a big old belly filled with a beautiful human being that the love of my life and I created together.

For anyone that has any pull out there, please bless this child that we will soon create.


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