Friday, July 23, 2010

oh my aching head...

I've had a headache for 6 days straight, I've been taking 2 extra strength Tylonel's twice a day and all they did was make it manageable to go to work and function. I finally went to the doctor today and she said Advil liquid gels are where it's at along with getting an eye exam, rest and plenty of water.

An eye exam you say? No thanks. I've already spent my early years resembling a pirate and I have no intention of wearing glasses that make me look like I have one googly eye.

To give you background, I had a lazy eye that was operated on at a very young age (maybe 1 and a 1/2 or so) and I wore a skin coloured eye patch until grade 1 along with glasses. Can you even imagine how cool I was? The one eyed child.

My Mom was also famous for the buy one, get one deals so I had two lovely pairs of glasses that not only magnified my eyes but also my cheeks. I think her philosphy was the bigger the better. I'm also fairly certain she thought the more colourful the better. I can remember denim, pink and purple glasses.

Then in about grade 7 I noticed that I could see the same with or without glasses so I decided to stop wearing them at school. Well, Mom found out (thanks to my lovely brother) and then started policing me and doing "pop-in's" to make sure I was wearing them. That wasn't embarassing at all. I spent the next two years fighting my Mom tooth and nail to not wear them and eventually she agreed to take me to a different optometrist who agreed with me and told my Mom I didn't need them anymore and that my eyes had corrected themselves. HA!

So, do I want to get an eye exam and hear I need to wear glasses all the time again? No, not so much. Mind you, the 6 day headache is making me think twice about choosing vanity over some not so pretty glasses and they do have some pretty cool ones now....

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