I mean like fullout, hardcore, never ending, enveloping love - a love that even those words which I picked very carefully can't describe!
6 months is by far my favourite age - we've got a SMILER (if he's not going down for a nap), a belly laugher, a sit-on-my-own'er, a joker, a mimic, a wiggler (attempting to crawl), a consistent napper (even if it's not for long I know what to expect), a bath lover and most importantly a shining personality!!
This little guy has charisma - he is a lady killer. In this outfit he might look like he's a real killer (looking a little jailbird like) but that's not the kind I'm talking about (insert ear to ear grin). He knows when someone is joking around - he loves it when I raise my eyebrows or give him a "what's going on here" look (think one eyebrow down and one up).
I am so excited to see him when he's bigger!! I mean, I know he's going to be fabulous - the last month has shown me that but oh my, this is going to be great!!
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