Alex is:
- my rock;
- my voice of reason;
- my "I know you better than you know yourself" guy;
- my "you better slow down so you don't burn yourself out" guy;
- my pain in the ass; and
- most importantly, my love.
I feel truly and completely blessed to have someone like him for a husband. Sure, he drives me NUTS some days and I think "who is this guy?" but those days are usually about a week before Aunt Flo comes to town and I'll be honest, I tend to be a little irrational even when I'm trying my damnedest not to be.
Of course, there are those days no where near my time of the month when he drives me crazy but I'm 1000% sure that I drive him around the bend here and there too.
Would I like it if he did more around the house? Yes. Would he like it if I mowed the lawn here and there? Yes. In fact, we just had that conversation just last night when he asked if I'd unloaded the dishwasher yet (he'd be home all night and I'd been in Port Perry teaching Pilates 30 minutes before). Those are the times though that when he comes back with a remark "did you mow the lawn and whipper snip last night?" that make me think, riiiiight - it's not a one way street and we both do things around the house, just different things.
When it comes down to it though, I'd give us a 90% (I'm into percentages today) in the happiness department which takes into account pet peeves, button pushing & Aunt Flo. That, to me is pretty damn awesome.
I also think we are very lucky to have been together for so long prior to being married. We knew each other pretty darn well before getting married and had been through highs and lows and already know that pushing through the lows is more than well worth the highs.
In the spirit of TSN, I'd like to give my highlights of our last 2 years together:
- Our housewarming (ok, that was before the wedding, but it was still amazing)
- Our wedding
- Our wedding morning (waking up realizing all we had was our wedding wear)
- Our honeymoon, which was about 6 months after our wedding and SO well deserved
- Sunday drives to Bond Head
- Any drive to any cottage with the windows down and the music loud
- Our trip to Montreal with Em & Andrew
- Sunday afternoons on the couch watching movies followed by delicious takeout
- Alex's surprise trip to Québec City (so thoughtful)
- Our 1st anniversary (MAN we loved that spiced banana cake with a butter cream filling)
- Sir Winston Stanley Powell's arrival into our life
- Our completely beautiful home (starring the following): complete spare room, level and grass filled backyard, almost finished kitchen & new driveway
- Our new nieces and nephews who we are also guardians for
- And for me, the most important part - a countless number of times where I laughed so hard I cried when Alex said things that got me right in the funny bone. A great example is "Koskinen tagged me as a monkey on Facebook. Here let me show you (log onto facebook - picture comes up). Do I look like a monkey?" Umm.....Hahahaha (insert crying, rolling, belly aching laugh).
Wow, do we ever have a lot to be grateful for. I have everything possible on my body crossed that life keeps on the way it's been because we are on one great ride.
I need to edit, our anniversary is actually on September 19 - whoops! LOL. I believe the guy is the one who is supposed to get the date wrong!