Holy moly - I haven't posted since January! WTF? Oops!
Well, Mr. Noah Balboa has been keeping me on my toes and going slightly crazy regarding the never ending "nap game" it's probably the worst game in the world. It goes a little something like this: for a few weeks everything goes smoothly and Noah is going to bed and getting up at relatively the same times, THEN all of a sudden whamo! It's like a switch goes off and he's like NO I am not sleeping when I usually do, NO I am not sleeping 15 minutes later. Guess what lady? I'm not going to sleep AT ALL today. FML - seriously baby? See? Not a fun game.
I'm also on a quest to clear up some various ailments I've been experiencing for most of life like eczema, dermatitis and my awful belly. On the advice of my Naturopathic Doctor I've cut out pretty much anything that made me happy like sugar, salt, caffeine, beef, pork, gluten and dairy. GOOD TIMES!! LOL. I'm so pleasent today. It's actually called "The Elimination Diet" or the "Hypoallergenic Diet" and hasn't been too bad. I've been making lunch and dinner every night which is saving us loads in the going out for meals department. I've lost some lbs - down to 130! OH MY (this is my wedding weight yesssss!). The only negative is that my fuse is quite short with Alex and it doesn't seem like it's going to lengthen since I've been on it for almost 2 weeks you'd think my body would've readjusted......maybe not.
What else?
I ran my first half marathon in 2 hours 11 minutes and 40 seconds....came in 3rd in my sex/age group and am having a medal delivered to me as I type - HELLO BUCKET LIST! I may run another half, I honestly didn't find it all that challenging since we trained so well for it. A full marathon I think would be great but I just don't have the training time to devote to it.
Still debating on when I'm going to go back to work. Could be in late June, early August or if I'm lucky Labour Day. I honestly can't see how we could swing Labour Day financially so I'm going to start planning for early August - just not until after my 30th birthday!! WOOT.
That's about it....nothing to radical.