Friday, May 20, 2011

Less than a month to go!

Holy moly how time has flown by.

I can't believe how close we are to having a wee baby! I've got a butt up in my ribs and (I think) feet poking out on either side. When I have my right arm down at my side it gets booted as if the baby is telling me to get out of his space.

We went to Emilie Claire Barlow's ( concert with Kate, Kirb, John and Lianne last weekend and Noah was literally having a party in my uterus for the entire hour and a half of the concert. I think he really enjoys all the orchestra style instruments because Q107 doesn't get him wiggling the way the trumpet, bass, sax, flute and piano did - it was CRAZY how much he was moving and for such a long period of time!

On a non-baby related note we're almost done the outdoor work around the house! I've been squatting in dirt and digging out weeds, jumping on the dandy-fly remover ( and pulling umpteen dandyflies out of the front lawn. It's my very favourite tool because when you're releasing the weed it's like a gun trigger. The neighbours look at me like I'm nuts considering I'm 9 months pregnant and doing more work then they are. I'm just happy that I can still get around fairly easily!!

Alex is adding a bit more dirt in the back tonight (if it doesn't rain, we are getting so much damn rain) then I need to plant our new plants from Dad and Brig's yard, then we're putting down the landscape cloth in the garden beds (so weeds don't grow thru) and tossing a few inches of mulch on top. I am going to touch-up the front porch and then we're pretty much good to go! Hopefully we can get this all done by the end of the long weekend!

Then it's onto the bathroom....oh joy. It's going to be so much fun having a baby and no washroom! I really am looking forward to having a full sized tub though!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011